Healthy Bath | Life Better

Healthy Bath

Shower with warm water about 32-35 degrees Celsius can open the pores, which can help detoxify the body. Warm water bath can also help lower blood sugar levels, heal sore muscles, and helps keep the colon working properly. The recommended time for a bath is 10-20 minutes.

If you completely stress, cold shower could be the right answer. Excellent cold water bath to relieve tension because it can accelerate blood circulation and raise blood sugar levels. The recommended water temperature is 12-18 degrees Celsius.

If you exposed skin diseases such as eczema, rash, or hives, adding baking soda or sodium bicarbonate into the bath can make a big difference because the sodium bicarbonate can act as an anti-septic. Fill the tub with lukewarm water, add about half a kilogram of baking soda, and stir until blended. Soak for 10-20 minutes.

Infection can be overcome by adding three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the bath and soak for 15-20 minutes. Apple cider vinegar is also good for removing toxins from the body because the vinegar can rebalance acid.

Soaking the feet in warm water can help cure colds and headaches as well refresh tired feet. I enter the warm water into the tub to be able to cover the ankle, then add a few drops of oil, such as lavender oil, peppermint, or lemon. Soak your feet for 10-20 minutes. When finished, rinse with cold water.

Soaking the feet in cold water is very good for those who suffer from insomnia or have trouble sleeping. The trick, soak feet to feel cold. This treatment is also useful to overcome the tired legs, nose bleeds, colds and constipation.

Try soaking the feet alternately in hot and cold water if the blood circulation is less smooth. Start with a foot soak for 2 minutes in warm water, then 3 minutes in cold water. Trying to do for 15 minutes.