Younger | Life Better


More active
Sports are not only good for the heart and keep the weight in order not to go up, which is often experienced as we get older. Staying active is also good for posture and skin. Increase strength in the body and keep the body in order to remain flexible with yoga and pilates can overcome postural problems and improve the shape of the spine. Exercise also makes the skin blood circulation more smoothly and help the skin cell turnover.

Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet has been known as the healthiest diet in the world, and not just as a diet to lose weight, the diet also brings many health benefits. The healthy diet rich in fish oil that are the main source of omega-3 fatty acids that prevent heart disease, wrinkles, and pain in the joints, and also very good for brain and vision. The Mediterranean diet also contains anti-oxidant fruits, vegetables, and olive oil, which helps protect against diseases caused by aging and keep your skin free of wrinkles.

Positive thinking
If you want to look 10 years younger, positive thinking can make a difference. Not only relieve stress (which causes heart disease and also accelerate the aging of cells), but a trial surprised by the psychological Ellen Langer shows the effect of the mind positive in the elderly are treated like people with physical ability are good and think that their physical good, then their bodies will follow. The test results showed that elderly people show improvement in various areas, including agility, speed of movement, memory, reduced inflammation of the joints, and blood pressure better, and hearing and vision they even improved.

Special attention
Some specific areas include eyes, hands and neck - more frequently show signs of aging faster than any other area, and the area also go round the most rarely noticed. To look younger give special attention to these areas. Give moisturizer on your neck every use face cream, and use a separate cream for sensitive areas under the eyes. Try to hand wash your hands with mild soap and using lotion to your hands after you wash your hands. You can also provide night care for your hands by rubbing olive oil and use gloves softener before bed.

Sugar consumption
Reduce consumption of sugar not only improve the appearance by maintaining ideal body weight, it also reduces the signs of aging are annoying - wrinkles. When high levels of sugar in the blood, a process called glycation happens which damage collagen in skin, resulting biscuits into wrinkles and sagging. The process also makes the skin vulnerable to other aging causes like smoking and UV rays.

Quit smoking
Smoking not only increases the risk of serious illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. It also is one of the causes of aging. It also causes skin irritation and spent oxygen and nutrients, which led to skin wrinkles and luminous. It was also one of the causes of eye disease, according to research from the Erasmus Medical School in Rotterdam, which also doubles the risk of developing Alzheimer's.

SPF Lotion
One of the most visible signs of aging is the aging skin. That is one thing that can not be avoided, yet there are many ways to keep the skin to stay looking young. A certain amount of sunlight is good for the skin, but if overdone it will be a cause of aging and wrinkles. Make sure you use the SPF factor of at least 15, if you are exposed to the sun for at least 15 minutes. Use SPF with factors higher in hotter climates or when the scorching sun.

Make up
If you use the same products as a teenager, it is time to invest in something new. bright eyeshadow and powder might be appropriate when you are young, at the age of certain products that will make you look old. To look younger quickly, make sure the product is equipped with a moisturizing your skin, use a liquid foundation and blush, use a product in powder form can make wrinkles and make facial lines clearly visible, and make their appearance look overdone. The options are to use lip gloss that makes your lips look full and mascara that adds volume to a younger looking appearance.

More sleep
Most of us have busy lives and reduce the time to sleep. But researchers believe that lack of sleep will lead to premature aging. Researchers from the US Department of Medicine in Chicago, found that hormonal changes due to lack of sleep is the same with aging. It means getting enough sleep can slow the effects of aging such as dementia, obesity, and diabetes. To look younger try to sleep enough sleep in normal time.

Find a hobby
Research shows that stimulating mental activity can prevent Alzheimer's disease, while in a separate study showed a growing number of relationships a person, it will decrease their reasoning will be slower. To keep the brain young and healthy so, try a hobby that challenges your brain and keep your relationship with people around. Games like chess or cards is a good social activity and favorable brain, or you can consider the entry in the book club, the club writer, orchestra, or a language class to keep socializing and continue to play the brain.