Consumer Trust | Life Better

Consumer Trust

Many big brand success because they success builds confidence in the hearts of consumers. They not only do branding without content, but branding with character. There is something that brands it gives to its customers that add value in the relationship between the brand and its customers.

Personal Touch
One example of a successful brand in personalizing is Amazon. Amazon is known as a shopping site that expertly customize to customer needs. Every customer who is registered in the Amazon will be treated in accordance with the needs and character. Measures provide specific product recommendations to customers with specific needs made by Amazon. With personalization and customization, customers feel treated well and intimate. And, this strategy was able to encourage the purchase. The future web business is personalization.

Sell Happiness
Coca-Cola became known brand champion in ? sell ? joy in life. Some ads show sportsmanship, cheerfulness, freshness, and so on. Call it the theme ? Ice-Cold Sunshine, the Pause That refreshes, Life Tastes Good, ? etc.? Everything they do is always based on the idea of ​​how to conduct a campaign to build and create happiness, ? Stengel says the author.

Fulfill Promises
FedEx key to success is trust. Belief here is none other when the logistics company is able to fulfill its promises to consumers. Delivery with punctuality, security of goods and services between satisfying become promises that must be met for the company. Trust becomes important considering the customer is not just a number, but people who can claim the promise.

Elegant and Fun
Apple into a fitting example in this regard. From the retail side, Apple is known for services that cool and empathetic. Apple recruiting people who have high empathy that can work together and build transparency in front of customers. Apple always carries a retail concept for the show ? (show), and not just say ? (tell). That is the retail philosophy of the brand made by the late Steve Jobs.

Consumer Experience
Maybe so forget Target as a retail brand discount. But, the experience they ? selling ? will not be forgotten. Target retail known as good at giving a touch of the experience of any product, service, or stores. ? Target makes a real effort to provide a pleasant experience for shoppers. While, he also gives the quality and price of products are alluring, ? says brand consultant Rob Frankel.

In the midst of changing fast-paced world, a world class car manufacturer Ford always rely on consistent branding process. Many people admire Ford for its consistency, both in the brand strategy, product strategy, and marketing execution. Ford also continues to listen and do what the needs of its customers.

Aspirational message
On its website, Nike declare his mission to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. ? If you have a body, you are an athlete ? Thus the message said Nike. Nike is one of the strengths aspirasionalnya message. This motivational messages quite an emotional impact on users. ? Nike continues to focus on its customers. Very strong empowerment message, including the message Just Do It were phenomenal, ? said Kevin Lane Keller, Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.

Build Connections
Consumers now have a need to connect with other consumers. The need for this interaction being picked up by Starbucks coffee producers. Starbucks seeks to meet the demand for such interactions. For example, Starbucks provide free Internet network in each of its outlets. Starbucks also build larger stores to meet the needs of the meeting room, discussion, and networking among customers. ? Go to Starbucks. And, where business happens and people sharing. Every thing there is a matter of connection, discovery, inspiration, and creativity, ? the authors said Stengel.

Serve In Unique
Unique services will be the main attraction for consumers. Southwest Airlines, for example, has a unique service for airlines to create a consumer experience. ? Southwest became a brand in the independent aviation industry that break the norms in the industry, ? said Tim Calkins of Northwestern University ? s Kellogg School of Management.

Focus on Consumers
Focus on the consumer to be one factor of a service and products will be strong. Nordstrom became one of the retail brands are quite keen in doing so. In a survey, Nordstrom occupies the top position as a company that cares about its customers. With 230 stores, Nordstrom actively lure services.