Achieve Dreams | Life Better

Achieve Dreams

A life is only once. Too bad if we pass it. Do not until later when we leave this world someday, no achievement ? whatever we have done, which could become the story and the pride of our children and grandchildren. Accomplishments is certainly always starts from a dream. Yes, a dream. No matter what your dream, there is always hope to make it happen. A few steps that can be taken to step closer than your dream that has been made, even if I have realized all of the dream. Hopefully can remove despondent of your confused where to start realizing their dreams.

Plug your Dream
Why this dream must be plugged? So that there is confidence in any process that you will live to step even realize the dream. Because the belief is the beginning of the success or failure of what we do. Be careful with confidence. If not it will drag in the circle of angels, then he will be trapped in your vicious circle. How? Write down all the dreams that you want, accomplish in this life. Make it a kind of a simple list in a book or paper that if it were easy to see in most time. I personally write in a small book, smartphone notes and deskop wallpaper.

Whenever you had free time, set aside a time of 1 minute only to see dreams that you wrote. This is a method to bind a dream in our minds. As well as our school. The more often we read the textbook, the more we remember the material in it. How to bind a dream in your heart? With visualized it. This may require a special time. And the recommended time is when we went to bed and get up from bed. Imagine as if you already getting that dream. Feel and give thanks. Do it every day. So when you later see a dream that has been written, you could immediately feel the heart of how the pleasure when the dream has come true. Tie dreams with mind and heart, okay!

The Way
Dream lived a dream if we do not make any effort to make it happen. Therefore, we need to find the way. Find the required information that will be bringing us towards the realization of the dream itself.
Example 1: A high school student who had the dream of college scholarships for free at state universities, then he should look for information about the scholarship and what is required there. Example 2: A person who has a dream passive income from internet business, then he should look for information about internet business and guidance on how to be successful on the internet business. Of course, from the right source, not the wrong source just want to achieve a profit alone without any meaningful contribution (read: product quality guns).
Example 3: A person who has a dream to go to heaven (I think everyone's dream), then he should look for information on how to get to heaven, what are the requirements that must be met as a servant of God, anything that must be abandoned. The goal is of course so that later on we put mercy and collected among those lucky ones. Religion understood better and hold yourself to Him.

Make Goal
Once the required information has been obtained it is now time to prepare goals support. I remember there was a good quotes, ? great success actually is collection of small successes ??. What does it mean? Our big dream can actually be broken down into several smaller goal. This method has a better psychological effect. Instead of focusing on the big dream, we can focus on this small goal. After all, when small goal achieved then indirectly Dream itself will be realized. With goal-this goal, we can make it a priority to then set aside time so that slowly but surely we can keep pursuing the dream. So without leaving the main job, we could still trying to chase a dream.

Right Attitude
Goal has been created, the next step is an action or act to succeed the goal. In this case not all the goals pursued simultaneously. It could be that there are in fact all guns accomplished. Focus on one goal, a success. Focus again on the next goal, a success. Focus again on the next goal, a success. That's how it works. Next thing you know, later when the goal of your dream has come true success by itself. And do not forget, in the success of these goals should be in each of our actions must always be accompanied with the right attitude. Whether it's in the form of mindset or actions that do not violate ethics or norms that exist. Do not careless. All that is beautiful in the end, always begins with kindness, and always within the corridor of goodness in every process. Hold these words!

There is one thing very ironic happens in our society. We often to ask for help to the many people who have excess, whether it's an excess of knowledge, power or any other advantages. But they all are human beings, just like us. We just ignore the Ruler who really have great power, covering this universe. Creator which was the fate of the universe in His hands gripped, who knows how long until finally devastated and melting into one (see: Judgment). He is the Lord. GOD is the largest energy source, we need to continue to survive in the spirit of the pursuit of a dream. Are not we sometimes feel tired in every struggle. Then approached him to regain our energy. GOD is the only great helper. He has power only over his will was everything going on in this world. If we could so hard enlist the help of people who have many shortcomings, why do we insist guns enlist the help of the Lord Almighty and Tasteful!