Unrequited Love | Life Better

Unrequited Love

Meet and establish a close relationship with someone is not always end up in a relationship. The behavior and attitude she likes you, but she never expressed her feelings. Treatment at you more like a friend than a lover. Or perhaps she knows the signals you send but ignored. So as not lingering hurt, you should find out whether your relationship is nothing more than a friend to her or not.

You're the one who most enthusiastically asked her to watch a romantic movie or go on vacation. You also should provoke humor and conversation among you. If you are always initiate a short message and telephone, likely means only you fall in love with her.

Although invite you to an event, she brought along her friends so that you two do not get time alone. Maybe she just considers you part of her friend.

She can also call you as formal and do not reflect fondly call. Means the she is not interested in you.

Vent about her feelings for another man when she was like a person regardless of your feelings. It shows she trusts you just as a friend.

Although she knows you like it, she felt guilty because they do not have the same feeling. Thus, she tried to make it up by introducing you to others. Do not consider how far she wants to test you, she just felt guilty.

When a woman likes a man, she will try to touch, entertain, seduce and know your special times. But, in fact she was not too concerned when you sleep or food preferences. She never even launched a temptation to you and avoid touching you.

She often say 'we are friends, right' repeated, both remained friends despite the problems in your relationship.

Although you have been doing your best to appeal to her, she instead chose your friends or people you know as her date.

After a long time did not give the news, she came to you without guilt and admitted to spending time with her friends. If so, there's no point intend to change her feelings into love with you.